If you cannot go to the Chinese page of this website

Some visitors are having issues with this site keep staying in the English version of the site no matter how they tried. They report our site have some issues with it, yes but unfortunately some actions need you to act before it can go normal.

Our Chinese version of the site is default, but we have an English version of the site for everyone else who do not read Chinese

2018-02-20 Chinese web

Homepage (Chinese): https://www.whampoa.org.hk/

2018-02-20 English web

Homepage (English): https://www.whampoa.org.hk/en/

Solution: Clear your cookies

Our website sets a cookie for returning visitors to be redirected to the homepage in their last browsed language. Sometimes it is so stubborn that it keeps going to the ‘/en/’ version of the site when users going to the ‘/’ i.e. homepage.

Thus, completely clearing your browser cookies will help.

So now we teach you how to clear up your cookies:


  1. Click on the “Menu” tab in the upper-right corner, and select “Settings.”
  2. Once the new tab opens, scroll to the bottom of the page and click on “Advanced.” This will expand the “Settings” page to include additional options.
  3. The first expanded window you should see is the “Privacy and security” panel.
  4. Next, click on “Content settings,” and then select “Cookies.”

You may also simply type “chrome://settings/content/cookies” into your address bar, and Chrome will take you to your intended destination.


  1. Click on the “Menu” three-lined icon in the top-right corner.
  2. In the drop-down menu, select “Options,” which will open a new “Preferences” tab.
  3. On this page, select “Privacy and security” listed on the menu to the left, and then head to the “History” section.
  4. Here you will need to choose “Use custom settings for history” in the drop-down menu located next to “Firefox will…”

You may also simply type “about:preferences#privacy” into your address bar


Our instructions will focus on the MacOS version

  1. Click on the Safari menu in the upper-left corner and scroll down to “Preferences.”
  2. Alternatively, in the same menu, choose “Clear History,” and you can delete everything in one go, from a variety of time frames.
  3. If you would much prefer to have more control over what is deleted, choose the “Preferences” option.


  1. Click on the three-dot Settings icon in the top right-hand corner that will generate a drop-down panel.
  2. Once you click “Settings” on the panel, it will shift to a different tile providing a section called “Clear browsing data.”


  1. Click on red Opera logo in the top-left corner, which will present a drop-down menu.
  2. Select “Settings,” and a new “Settings” tab opens in the browser.
  3. Click on “Privacy & security” in the menu to the left, and scroll down to the “Cookies” section listed in the resulting settings.