Morrison Hill Swimming Pool

A good swimming pool in Wan Chai

The Morrison Hill Swimming Pool in Wan Chai is the first indoor public pool in Hong Kong as well as the first heated public pool. It was opened on 31 October 1972 by Sir Douglas Clague. At opening it has only one indoor pool, and by 1982, another indoor teaching pool was opened. The pool is operated by Leisure and Cultural Services Department.

Address: 7 Oi Kwan Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong

How to get to Morrison Hill Swimming Pool

  1. Come out from A3 Exit of Wan Chai Station. Cross the road to the other side of Johnston Road
  2. Turn left, walk along Johnston Road and go into Wan Chai Road
  3. Turn right at Bullock Lane, walk along Cross Lane, you will see IVE (Morrison Hill) at the end
  4. Go down Wing Cheung Street and arrive at Oi Kwan Road
  5. Cross the road and arrive at the front entrance of Morrison Hill Swimming Pool

Swimming Class Gathering Point

Summer time

At summer time from April to October, lessons would take place at the outdoor teaching pool. Please enter the pool, go direct and gather at the life guard post of the Outdoor Teaching Pool.

Morrison Hill Swimming Pool - 3 Things you need to know when you joined the class there 1
摩理臣山游泳池 戶外習泳池

Winter time

At winter time from November to March, lessons would take place at the indoor teaching pool. Please enter the pool, go direct and gather at the right hand side of the indoor teaching pool at the side next to the Main Pool.


Swimming Facilities